July 1, 2024
Venue: Squire Patton Boggs
Registration and Welcome Coffee (14:00 to 14:30)
Session 1: (14:30 to 15:30)
Navigating Disputes in Cross-Border Energy Projects
Coffee Break (15:30 to 16:00)
Session 2: (16:00 to 17:00)
Key trends in international arbitration for 2024
Opening Drinks Reception sponsored by Squire Patton Boggs (17:00 onwards)
July 2, 2024
Venue: Morrison Foerster
Registration and Welcome Coffee (14:00 to 14:30)
Session 3: (14:30 to 15:30)
The do’s and don’ts of choosing and using an expert in International Arbitration
Coffee Break (15:30 to 16:00)
Session 4: (16:00 to 17:00)
Is the Investor-State Dispute Resolution process fit for purpose?
High Tea sponsored by Morrison Foerster (17:00 onwards)
July 3, 2024
Venue: Debevoise & Plimpton
Registration and Welcome Coffee (14:00 to 14:30)
Session 5: (14:30 to 15:30)
Exploring the New Dynamics of Arbitration: Perspectives and Insights from LCIA
Coffee break (15:30 to 16:00)
Session 6: (16:00 to 17:00)
Fireside Chat with an eminent practitioner
Closing Drinks Reception sponsored by Debevoise & Plimpton (17:00 onwards)
London Steering Committee

Daniel Jacobs
Senior Associate, Covington

Narmdeshwar Singh
International Disputes Lawyer

Annie Pan
Senior Associate, Freshfields

Marija Šćekić
Director, Squire Patton Boggs

Maanas Jain
Barrister, Paul Hastings

Matthew Weiniger KC
Partner, Linklaters
Khawar Qureshi KC
Head, McNair International
Jamie Harrison
Deputy Director General, LCIA
Markus Burgstaller
Partner, Hogan Lovells
Catriona Paterson
Partner, Omnia Strategy

James Freeman
Partner, A&0 Shearman
Amit Sibal SA
Penny Madden KC
Partner, Gibson Dunn
Manish Aggarwal
Partner, Three Crowns
Charlie Lightfoot
Partner, Cooley

Patricio Grané Labat
Partner, Arnold & Porter
Gavin Chesney
Counsel, Debevoise & Plimpton
Chiraag Shah
Partner, Morrison Foerster
Steven Finizio
Partner, WilmerHale
Max Rockall
Partner, Squire Patton Boggs

Jason Fry KC
Partner, Clifford Chance
James Rogers
Partner, Jenner & Block
Andrew Fingerett
Director FRP Advisory
Naomi Briercliffe
Partner, Squire Patton Boggs
Myfanwy Wood
Partner, Ashurst

Andrew Flower
Partner, HKA
Dharshini Prasad
Partner, Willkie
Anthony Way
Managing Partner, TWCOG
Sarah Vasani
Partner, CMS
Genevieve Poirier
Partner, LALIVE

Ravi Aswani
Barrister, 36 Group
Ana Stanič
Founder, E&A Law
Audley Sheppard KC
Twenty Essex